
08 February 2010

Bwahahaha - I'll replace their "midnight movies" with 1/2-hour long commercials about hair tonic...d'oh!

I loathe sports, at least watching them. I have a fondness for volleyball that may stem from the fact that it's the one sport I'm half-way decent at (or was - haven't played it in a long time) but even that doesn't extend to watching it. So, it will come as no surprise that this Sunday (Feb. 7) I was not glued to a TV screen watching the Super Bowl.

Instead I spent part of Super Bowl Sunday watching an episode of the Rocky & Bullwinkle Show - the one where Boris is trying to get the secret rocket-fuel formula out of Bullwinkle so he can conquer the Moon Men. There's one point in the show when our heroes are prisoners in Potsylvania, and Boris is explaining to Fearless Leader his plans for bringing America to its knees: He's going to use the rocket fuel to land on the Moon, conquer the Moon Men and then beam back to Earth 1/2-hour haircream commercials in place of America's late-night movie offerings.

Oh, how prescient he was...

1 comment:

Grandma Carol said...

Love Rocky & Bullwinkle. Posted the following on my FB.